2018春季班 第十七週美地展 第二期 賴筱晶姊妹 Growing up to Engage in the Spiritual Warfare

Growing up to Engage in the Spiritual Warfare Last week, I appreciated how the brother opened the message with the picture in Revelation chapter twelve, showing that there is a spiritual warfare right now happening in the heavenlies. And God is in urgent need to gain a corporate person to represent Him to engage in this warfare. Especially the brother brought up his own experience during the childhood to show how urgent it is. He said that when he was a little kid, hearing of the report about the Normandy invasion over the radio, even though he understood there was a war, as a three or four years old kid, the only thing he could do at that time was to stay at home and be safe. Only the adults could go onto that battlefield. Only those grown-up people would be able to engage in the warfare. And this is our real situation now. If we really want to fight for the Lord, we need to grow up and this one new man must be brought forth. I had a prayer to the Lord in that afternoon, “Lord Jesus, I love you. I don’t want to be spiritual kid forever, I want to be a full-grown person, be a part of this one new man. I want to immerse myself into your words more, to pray-read more, and to prepare myself more, just like how Jesus was there feasting on your words for forty days straightly. So that whenever it’s time for me to engage, I would be ready to win in this battle, to defeat Your enemy and usher in Your kingdom.”

《Trainee in the second term, Crystal Lai》


2018春季班 第十七週美地展 第二期 賴筱晶姊妹 Growing up to Engage in the Spiritual Warfare

Growing up to Engage in the Spiritual Warfare Last week, I appreciated how the brother opened the message with the picture in Revelation chapter twelve, showing that there is a spiritual warfare right now happening in the heavenlies. And God is in urgent need to gain a corporate person to represent Him to engage in this warfare. Especially the brother brought up his own experience during the childhood to show how urgent it is. He said that when he was a little kid, hearing of the report about the Normandy invasion over the radio, even though he understood there was a war, as a three or four years old kid, the only thing he could do at that time was to stay at home and be safe. Only the adults could go onto that battlefield. Only those grown-up people would be able to engage in the warfare. And this is our real situation now. If we really want to fight for the Lord, we need to grow up and this one new man must be brought forth. I had a prayer to the Lord in that afternoon, “Lord Jesus, I love you. I don’t want to be spiritual kid forever, I want to be a full-grown person, be a part of this one new man. I want to immerse myself into your words more, to pray-read more, and to prepare myself more, just like how Jesus was there feasting on your words for forty days straightly. So that whenever it’s time for me to engage, I would be ready to win in this battle, to defeat Your enemy and usher in Your kingdom.”

《Trainee in the second term, Crystal Lai》


2018春季班第十七週美地展 第二期 李秉謙 讚美永不停止

讚美永不停止 讚美主!這兩週的生活被禱告和讚美所浸透,能彀和弟兄們一起發光發熱,這樣的生活實在是太寶貝了。已過一週國殤節特會的信息說到,『讚美是比禱告更強的,禱告是暫時的,但讚美卻是存到永遠的。』所以我很寶貝在這兩週裏面,我們犧牲休息的時間,來在一起的時候,就是一同讚美。課間禱告、飯前禱告、出服事前的禱告、在寢室裡的禱告、守望禱告、禁食禱告、呼牧禱告,都在讚美,阿利路亞,太喜樂了。這樣的讚美會存到永永遠遠的,我們沒有休息,就是一直在讚美,這使我們癲狂了,喪失理智了。願這樣的生活一直存到永遠,存到第二年,存到一生,都一直讚美!

《第二期 李秉謙弟兄》


2018春季班第十七週美地展 第二期 杜惟真姊妹 在靈裏認識基督超越知識的愛

在靈裏認識基督超越知識的愛 以弗所書三章十九節說到,『並認識基督那超越知識的愛,使你們被充滿,成為神一切的豐滿。』在禱讀這節經節時,我想要認識這不能認識的愛,但卻發現我在自己裏面實在無法作到,因為我覺得我一定要領會了、認識了,我纔能愛,而這實在也影響了我的牧養。已過在陪一個小羊時,我發現她有許許多多觀念上的問題,我也覺得我要照着我所認識的來牧養她,所以就一直不斷的解答她各種問題。但在已過這週,我實在被這節經節摸着,在我在牧養她時,當我想要向她解釋、想跟她說明真理的時候,主就在我裏面說,『要禱讀!』主叫我要帶小羊一同享受這個話。那時,我覺得她都不認識這樣的愛,要如何享受。但當我停下自己的想法時,就有超越知識的愛充滿了我。不管她懂不懂,我先帶著她一同的釋放靈禱讀這個經節,基督的愛就充滿了我,也充滿了她,使我們不落到知識裏面,而能彀愛一個我們甚至不認識的,因為基督就是那超越知識的愛。

《第二期 杜惟真姊妹 》


2018春季班第十七週美地展 第一期 鄭亦加弟兄 藉着團體禱告,經歷基督擴增、我消減

藉着團體禱告,經歷基督擴增、我消減 我要分享和弟兄們禱告的蒙恩。在幾週前的個人禱告中,主光照我雖然週週在外面開展十二個小時,但祂在我裏面並沒有太多的開展和擴展。個人禱告後,我就和弟兄們彼此邀約來在一起,有兩次為着開展的守望禱告。團體禱告中,主在我裏面不斷的擴展,也不斷的消減我這個人。我們沒有為太多為他人的禱告,而是把我們所聽到的職事信息帶到禱告裏,這叫我們不僅聽到這些信息,還能彀有所實行。我也很受一位弟兄的激勵,因為他總是問其他弟兄們有沒有要為福音朋友禱告,卻不主動提自己的需要。我很寶貝他不只顧到自己個人的工作,也顧到身體上其他肢體的需要。藉著與弟兄們的禱告,使我不再只是常常顧到自己有沒有帶人得救,而是學習顧到身體的需要。感謝主!這樣的禱告使我不僅經歷天然被主削減,生命度量也被擴大了!

《第一期 鄭亦加弟兄》
