Growing up to Engage in the Spiritual Warfare Last week, I appreciated how the brother opened the message with the picture in Revelation chapter twelve, showing that there is a spiritual warfare right now happening in the heavenlies. And God is in urgent need to gain a corporate person to represent Him to engage in this warfare. Especially the brother brought up his own experience during the childhood to show how urgent it is. He said that when he was a little kid, hearing of the report about the Normandy invasion over the radio, even though he understood there was a war, as a three or four years old kid, the only thing he could do at that time was to stay at home and be safe. Only the adults could go onto that battlefield. Only those grown-up people would be able to engage in the warfare. And this is our real situation now. If we really want to fight for the Lord, we need to grow up and this one new man must be brought forth. I had a prayer to the Lord in that afternoon, “Lord Jesus, I love you. I don’t want to be spiritual kid forever, I want to be a full-grown person, be a part of this one new man. I want to immerse myself into your words more, to pray-read more, and to prepare myself more, just like how Jesus was there feasting on your words for forty days straightly. So that whenever it’s time for me to engage, I would be ready to win in this battle, to defeat Your enemy and usher in Your kingdom.”
《Trainee in the second term, Crystal Lai》